Multi-Day Programs

The time and resources needed to create a training program can be overwhelming. The good news is that we’ve already done the work for you. A powerful blend of experientially-based learning tools, our multi-day programs provide an excellent turnkey solution. We provide you with everything you need, from certification to comprehensive materials.


Leading Success™ (Achieving Results with Key People Skills) is a training program designed to transform managers, supervisors, and team leaders into empowered, committed leaders. Certification is required and must be completed, in-house, by one of our facilitators. Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based onyour specific needs.

Leading Success™ is an intense, proactive training program that helps to develop key people skills that managers, supervisors, and team leaders need to have a direct effect on employee performance. Focusing on one-to-one interpersonal skills, both new and experienced leaders learn how to raise employee productivity, build a team atmosphere, boost job satisfaction, foster better work relationships, and ultimately, achieve results through their employees.

Examines and clarifies roles of leaders and managers
Provides a model for effective leadership behavior
Develops team leadership skills
Identifies individual employee needs
Develops strategies to improve employee effectiveness and commitment

Increases employee productivity and cooperation by building a team atmosphere
Develops interpersonal skills
Boosts job satisfaction

Who Should Attend: New and experienced managers, supervisors, and team leaders
Group Size: 6 or more participants
Duration: 3 days



Negotiating Success™ is a training program that helps develop skills to become a negotiator. Certification is required and must be completed, in-house, by one of our facilitators. Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Negotiations, especially in business relationships, involve two critical factors: the outcome and the relationship that exists between the negotiators. In an increasingly fast-paced and competitive marketplace, leaders cannot afford to jeopardize either factor. Negotiating Success™ is a gimmick-free program that will enable participants to acquire a fresh way of thinking in order to successfully reach a “win-win” agreement through negotiations.

Provides a collaborative discussion model for negotiating
Assists participants in working through their personal style differences
Demonstrates how to build rapport with others
Provides a creative framework for solving any negotiating problem
Develops skills for quick and accurate preparation for any negotiation

Develops the ability to problem solve with difficult negotiators
Strengthens relationships with negotiating partners
Improves interpersonal skills needed to support a collaborative negotiating style
Creates a personal action plan for improving negotiating skills

Who Should Attend: Managers, supervisors, and professionals who negotiate as part of their jobs
Group Size: 4 or more participants
Duration: 2 days



PartnerPower® is a training program that provides tools and insights for building relationships between partnering organizations, whether external or internal, that will result in mutually rewarding outcomes. Certification is required and must be completed, in-house, by one of our facilitators. Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Partnering, a synergistic alliance between two organizations – external or internal – can lead to greater productivity, reduced costs, and increased marketplace value for both parties involved. To be successful, however, these coalitions require a high degree of trust, a strong desire for mutual gains, and extensive information sharing. PartnerPower® provides tools and insights for building relationships between two organizations in a logical, efficient way. The program challenges participants to discuss real issues face-to-face, think outside the box, and create a mutually rewarding strategy that delivers high-quality outcomes.

Helps participants understand the meaning of partnering and its benefits
Assesses the current state of the partnering relationship
Provides a model for effective partnering relationships
Helps partners to develop a joint vision and common goals
Provides tools for creating a joint action plan

Identifies a process for developing and maintaining the partnership
Builds a higher level of mutual trust
Provides essential communication skills needed to build and maintain a partnering relationship
Develops joint vision and common goals
Enables planning for appropriate benefits

Who Should Attend: Individuals from supplier/customer organizations, whether external or internal
Group Size: 12 or more participants
Duration: 2 days



TEAMPOWER® is a comprehensive training program to help teams develop the skills to improve relationships and maximize performance. Certification is required and must be completed, in-house, by one of our facilitators. Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Great teams don’t just happen. Authentic teamwork is built upon commitment, trust, collaboration, and competence – qualities that can only be developed with considerable effort over time. TEAMPOWER® accelerates the process, helping teams transform from ordinary to extraordinary. Teams emerge from the learning experience with a fresh sense of direction and practical strategies for working together more effectively.

Group development
Team roles and responsibilities
Problem solving
Group decision making
Managing conflict

Acquire and develop group process skills
Learn how to encourage innovation and implement new work strategies
Understand how to communicate and collaborate
Identify and work to resolve blockages to team performance
Discover how to boost team spirit, camaraderie, and commitment
Develop strategies to improve productivity and work satisfaction

Who Should Attend: Team leaders and team members from all types of organizations
Group Size: 6 or more participants
Duration: 3 days



Virtual Leader® is a powerful two-day workshop that provides tools, builds skills and identifies competencies for developing an effective virtual leader. Certification is required and must be completed, in-house, by one of our facilitators. Contact us today for a total-cost proposal based on your specific needs.

Today’s managers, who rely on technology as a way to lead, often find themselves balancing the need for quick results with the need to develop working relationships that span time zones, distance, and culture. For many managers, this is uncharted territory that requires a new way of approaching their role as a leader. The Virtual Leader® workshop builds the skills and provides the tools for developing a virtual leader.

Distinguishes between traditional and virtual leadership skills, competencies, and attitudes
Identifies actual and potential challenges for leading virtually
Provides tools and models for virtual decision making, problem solving, and conflict resolution
Assimilates elements of trust into virtual relationships

Provides strategies for overcoming virtual challenges
Develops new skills and tools required to lead globally
Matches appropriate technology to communication needs
Increases awareness of potential cross-cultural challenges
Provides for a personal action plan

Who Should Attend: Leaders whose responsibility is to lead and motivate workers who are not co-located
Group Size: 6 or more participants
Duration: 2 days (can be modulatized)
Method of Delivery: Can be delivered by a certified facilitator either virtually or in-house